Asbestos Exposure & Your Health
Asbestos is a substance naturally found in soil and rocks. It’s been used in the automotive and construction industry for its durability and flexibility. Older homes may contain asbestos in the ceiling, walls, shingles, siding and vinyl tiles.
Individuals who are exposed to asbestos particles are more likely to increase the chances of developing asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. Individuals who smoke have a higher risk of developing serious illnesses related to asbestos exposure.
Persons with asbestos exposure will want to visit their primary care doctor for an examination including pulmonary function tests and chest x-rays. A CT scan or biopsy may help the doctor determine if mesothelioma has formed. Symptoms to look out for include fatigue, constipation, difficulty breathing, discomfort around the rib cage and a persistent cough. It can take up to two decades before symptoms appear. Individuals who live with a person with asbestos exposure are also at risk.
Asbestosis is an illness that affects the lungs. Symptoms may include coughing, pain in the chest and finger and toe nails. The damage cannot be healed but can be managed with oxygen. A lung transplant may be needed in serious cases.
Asbestos risk is high during home renovations and when buildings are demolished. Home repairs can also disturb and release asbestos particles.
You may want to consider asbestos inspection services before attempting any renovation projects if you have an older home. Contact us if you need asbestos inspection services in Orange County, CA.
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