Asbestos Testing & Inspections In Oceanside, CA

Need to have your residence or commercial property tested in Oceanside, CA?

Asbestos has often been used in building construction materials in homes and buildings in years past. It may also be found in floor tiles, auto brake pads and roofing shingles. It’s used in many contries in order to strengthen cement, decreas sound absorption and increase insulation. All new uses of asbestos have been banned since 1989 by the EPA. However, may older buildings containing asbestos still exist.

Asbestos fibers may be released in the air during renovations or if a building material is disturbed. There are many detrimental effects of exposure including increased risk of lung disease, lung cancer, mesothelioma and abestosis. It may take many years for symptoms to develop. Doctors are able to diagnose exposure via x-rays and specific cardiac tests.

An asbestos testing and inspection company can help you determine if your property is affected and advise you on how to proceed next.

Contact us for a free consultation and price estime in regards to our asbestos testing services in Oceanside, CA
